Elena Adasheva’s short-term ethnographic project, titled “Perceptions of Light in the Arctic Environment, ” received support from the 2024 Yale Environmental Humanities Grant Program. This research explores human perceptions of light in the Arctic environment during the polar day aboard the expedition cruise “Le Commandant Charcot.” Through conversational interviews and informal discussions with passengers and crew, we delved into individuals’ observations, experiences, and contemplations about light in the polar landscape, as well as how they articulate their perceptions. The fieldwork for this project took place in August 2023. The grant will partially cover the final stage of this work, including the transcription of interviews, organization and analysis of data, and preparation of the presentation of findings for public outreach.
The Yale Environmental Humanities Grant Program offers funding for public humanities projects broadly related to the environment, defined broadly to include topics related to energy and climate, food and agriculture, human/environmental health, environmental justice, plant and animal species, urban and rural geographies and planning, and mining and other forms of extraction.