UArctic Academy for Sustainability 2023
Participant at the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada

Walking in the Arctic: Personal Narratives
Presentation at the Environmental Humanities Month at the University of Helsinki

Night Walks: Perceiving Light and Dark in the Far North
Presentation at the International Conference on Night Studies

A Night on the Town: Walking with Light in the Far North
Presentation at the Visual Research Network International Conference

Non-State Science Diplomacy as a Tool for Cooperation in the Arctic
Presentation at the Calotte Academy

Who owns the Arctic? — an Introduction to Arctic Governance
Contribution to the EU-PolarNet 2 & APECS Webinar

Diplomacy in Science: Non-State Actors in Arctic Science Diplomacy
Presentation at the Arctic Frontiers

Lecture: Science Diplomacy in the Arctic
Lecture at the National Research University Higher School of Economics

What is Severnyĭ Gorod? The Urban Nature of the Russian Northern City
Presentation at the Yale European Studies Graduate Fellows Conference